
In a job market where everyone is worried that their pink slip may be right around the corner, stay at home moms can breathe easy. Don’t worry moms, I doubt that there are many takers just waiting to jump in and steal your job away. How many jobs where you do $100,000 worth of work and receive no currency for compensation can you name? Who in the world would ever go for that deal? No worries ladies, our jobs are very secure.

Take note, when I referred to compensation, I specifically said currency. Currency may be the legal tender that most people associate with compensation, but in the stay at home mom world, we deal in tender of another type. Yep, it is those tender loving hugs , kisses and other modes of appreciation we are awarded by our families that make our world rock! We are CEO’s of the home front, and even more impressive, we are absolutely indispensable. Who else in the world can make that claim? So Mom’s takeĀ  your place on the center podium and wait for your anthem to begin. I believe the words may be something like “the itsy bitsy spider………..”.

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