
Helping the world-one cinnamon roll at a time

I have always been sort of embarrassed when people thank me for something in public. A few years ago that feeling was magnified a hundred fold when someone from “The Leaven”, the newspaper on the Kansas side asked if they could write a story about us. I am including a few excerpts here only because I want you to know that we are for real.

“Can cinnamon rolls bring you closer to God? The Becker family, believes they can.

Grace and her husband Bill have baked and donated sheets and sheets of their delicious homemade cinnamon rolls to fundraisers for the archdiocesan youth camp,Prairie Star Ranch in Williamsburg, as well as parishes on both sides of the state line.

They and their 12 children have raised thousands of dollars in the process.The Beckers’ “cinnamon roll ministry” got started when the family lived near St. Peter Church on the Missouri side. The parish began a fund drive to build a new gym, but the Becker family could not afford to contribute. Instead, Grace offered to bake cinnamon rolls if her husband and children would sell them.

The rolls were an instant hit and the Beckers began selling 100’s of pans of cinnamon rolls at monthly sales after Masses………”

Much later in the article, “the Beckers brought their fundraising skills-not to mention their secret family recipe -to the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. That summer, when Prairie Star Ranch opened, the Beckers were on hand to donate rolls to help feed the kids at breakfast.

Dana Nearmyer, camp director, can’t say enough about the Beckers’ contribution to the Archdiocese-and Prairie Star Ranch in particular.”They’ve been involved in development of the camp and in every major youth event that involves food”, he says.

(Please note that this was published a few years ago.”)

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