A Christmas Present Perfectly Aligned

The Seasons’ Message

All the songs echo the same theme at Christmas. It is the Season of Peace. The time to reevaluate our priorities, to think of others before ourselves.

In a perfect world, everyone would be more concerned with the needs of others over their own. If that would happen, the world would be what every Christmas song attempts to help us envision.

Well, whether we knew him or not, in our lifetime, we were blessed with a child whose sole mission in his life was to bring the message of Peace. I just heard an interview with his mother, and he was such an incredible person, as is she.

I immediately got the book after I heard her interview, and I have to tell you that it is probably the most amazing book I have ever read. Have the box of Kleenex ready,  but you will truly enrich your life by reading this book.

It is called “Messenger” by Jeni Stepanik. It is the story of her son’s life, as well as her entire family. This boy truly was a gift from heaven, and when you read it, I know you will agree with me. Put this as a must have on your Christmas list for all your friends and family if you want to give a really meaningful gift. It is my top pick for 2010.

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