Cottage Food Laws became official this week when Govenor John Hickenlooper has signed the “Local Foods, Local Jobs Act” into law. Bakers across the state are celebrating. You should visit their Facebook page and read all the posts. Websites are being launched, customers contacted, social media is alive with messages of people announcing they are “Open for Business”.
It started with one woman who declared she was going to fight for her state to adopt Cottage Food Laws. She started with a Facebook Fan page and it went from there. Boy, they are giving each other a lot of support there. One of the posts that I found interesting and would like to make all of you aware of is that if you start your business, you need to make sure you protect yourself and your assets. Make sure you get the proper insurance. On the Facebook page they were talking about State Farm offering policies starting around $325 . My American Family agents writes the policy for my in home commercial kitchen.I would advise you to shop around so you can find the best policy in your state.
Start a movement to get Cottage Food Laws
Colorado has those laws in place now because a hand full of people were passionate about wanting to be able to bake at home and make money. They started using social media to get the word out. News spread, people wrote numerous letters to their legislators, and they had a lot of conversations via social media.
I am sure it took some time on the part of the organizers, but they can pat themselves on the back. People all over the state should be grateful. There is a cap on their income potential, but hopefully sometime in the future, that will also change. So if you live in one of the eleven remaining states without Cottage Food laws, what are you waiting for?