Lynn Terry Started A Buzz About WAHM’s

Bake at HomeBoy, there is sure a controversy going on about groups that are gender specific, and work at home moms groups in general. Lynn is a guest blogger on their site and she stirred the pot for sure.The basic recap is that many have the perception that many of the WAHM sites lack professionalism. The common complaint is that frequently it is a gripe and gossip fest. In addition to that, many seem to have an abundance of ads touting  work at home opportunities that are real scams.

I have to admit that I know what they are talking about. I am not quick to jump on the band wagon with many of them. I just don’t have the patience to sift through so much useless information in search of a needle in a haystack. I am not a fan of contests and coupons, you follow me and I’ll follow you offers, and tons of information about retweets that have been retweeted a bunch of times.

I am a mom who has worked from home for a lot of years, and when you are doing that, your time is at a premium. You have your family who needs your time and attention, but at the same time, you have a business that also needs your time and attention. For me, my in home licensed commercial kitchen was the perfect solution. I worked while my family slept and while the kids were at school, I made and delivered breakfast and lunch to corporations. By the time the kids were home from school, I was done for the day and available to my family.

It was hard work, but it was so worth it. You see, my primary focus was my family. I was not looking for professional accolades, or a generous paycheck. I worked to supplement my families income, and that is why I did not need to grow the business a lot. If I had done that, it would have demanded more of my time than I wanted to devote to it. As the kids grew, so did my business because I could afford to dedicate more time to the business, and our household expenses increased. My business was perfect for our family needs. When we needed more income, I worked more.

One of the temptations that stay at home moms struggle with, is determining what amount is enough for the time being. Getting caught up chasing money so you can buy more useless stuff seems attractive, but in the end, time with your family is like sand in the hourglass, and you don’t get a do-over when it comes to time with your family.

You can set the perimeters for what your family needs by working on a budget. I personally love Financial Peace University. Dave Ramsey is able to put using a budget in such a sensible and usable format. That way, you can determine what your financial needs are at the time, work hard to achieve those goals, and then enjoy the rest of the time with your family. Then when your needs change, you can readjust your budget.

Do WAHM groups help you?

I would love to hear your thoughts on the benefits of sites or groups that just focus on WAHM’s. I talk a lot about working at home, and I am a mom. I do hope however that everyone feels welcome here, because my primary objective here is to talk about some alternatives that people who would like to generate income from home have. I talk a lot about baking, because I have done that for a long time.

But as I have gone along, I have added to my repertoire. You can do that too. You are here reading my blog, well, I have worked hard to understand how managing the website works, and specifically  how to use WordPress. We can all learn to do new things, so what you decide to do at this time in your life does not have to be forever. That is not to say you should hop from opportunity to opportunity. Building a business is hard work and takes time. Work hard and persevere. In a few years you may transition into a different career and that is great, just don’t be seen as a business hopper, people won’t take your business seriously if you do that.You can determine what your specialty is, how much money your family needs, and then go for it.

You can read the article here.

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